Butterfly Novel

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Nature of The Most High vs The Nature of The Most Low Part 1


Have you ever wondered why some people do or say certain things that are considered "out-of-pocket"?  Or, have you ever met a person who operates with such kindness toward you that, you are not sure if this is an act or if the person is just really this way?

Sometimes, we may assume that a gentle person is too good to be true.  We may even believe that a harsh person is just hiding behind a wall or a barrier to protect them from emotional pain.  In some instances, this is very well the case for both gentle and harsh people.  There is a reason for every season, and a reaction for every action.  In many cases, though, there is something lurking behind the personality that you encounter from each individual in which you interact.


Life is initially spiritual.  In order to accurately comprehend the person you are dealing with, you must first be able to discern the spirit that is operating within him or her.  Godly discernment is Wisdom, a gift bestowed upon some by The Most High.  However, you do not have to go around intentionally analyzing each individual you come in contact with.  This Wisdom of Godly discernment will enable you to automatically pick up on a person's true intentions without even trying to do so.

As we evaluate the characteristics that distinguish the nature of the Most High versus the nature of the Most Low, let us examine ourselves as well.  There may be some traits within us that need improvement.  Also, keep in mind that, this list is not conclusive.  There are various other characteristics that reveal the true nature of a person and the spirit operating within them.

4 Key Characteristics

1.  God Wants You To Live.  Satan Wants You To Die.

     A good example of this is, anyone having thoughts of suicide.  Do you think the Most High would tell you to kill yourself, knowing there is no repenting afterwards?  Of course not.  If you or anyone you know have thoughts of ending your life, or, if someone is encouraging you to end your life via social media, text messages, or phone call, just know that, these are demonic agents working through human vessels.  They only want you to receive the same fate that they have, and that is eternal life in never ending torturous hell.  So, do not fall for it.  God's Will is for none to perish.

2.  Ahayah Provides Constructive Feedback.  Satan Criticizes With Insults.

     This is not referring to when you and your family/friends are innocently joking with one another and having fun.  This is talking about, if you are in error concerning a certain act, deed, or situation, and someone corrects you in the spirit of love, you will know that this person just wants to see you do better.  Whereas, if you make a mistake, and someone is constantly reminding you of this mistake and telling you how bad of a person you are for the mistake, then that, my friend, is a demon on assignment to discourage you.

     Do not allow demons to discourage you.  Learn from your mistakes, repent, and make up in your mind to do better going forward.  And know, that the Most High forgives you; therefore, you need not allow anyone to make you feel a lifelong of endless guilt.

3.  The Most High Forgives.  Satan Holds A Grudge.

     If you have offended someone, depending on the nature of the offense, it is understandable that the person needs time to recover from the situation.  You should apologize and put forth the effort to right your wrong, while allowing that person the time and space they need to heal.  After a certain amount of time, if this person still has not forgiven you, it is a good idea to chalk that up as a life lesson, and be careful not to make the same mistake with others in the future.

    If you find, though, that the offended person is being vindictive toward you, constantly trying to pay you back, even after you have shown remorse for your offensive words or actions, then, you are dealing with a diabolical spirit.  Here is the part that may be hard for you to grasp though..., that offended person may not even understand that they are dealing with a negative force.  This person may very well believe that he/she is justified in their behavior towards you.

    This is why the Holy Scriptures advise us, "Don't Let The Sun Go Down Upon Your Anger," and to  "Forgive and Forget".  The latter is not instructing us to forgive someone, throw out the incident that hurt us, and then allow the person to hurt us again.  It is simply encouraging us to forgive the person and move forward with our lives so we will not be stuck in a state of arrested development concerning that situation.  

    When people hold on to anger and pain, they eventually become resentful.  This resentment leads to vindictive behavior, which not only hurts the person who committed the offense, but it hurts the offended person even worse, as well as anyone else around them.  
    How?  Well, the offended person is stuck.  He/she can't grow because they are wasting quality time trying to get back at someone else.  That precious time could have been spent building a business to pass down to the next generation!  Not to mention, on Judgement Day, the offended person has to stand before The Most High for their vindictive reactions to the person who offended him/her. 
    Yes, Judgement Day is real.  And, while standing before the Most High on that day, none of us will be able to utter a single word.  We can't say, "I didn't mean it..."  "I'm sorry..."  "I didn't know..." or anything else.  So, while you have the opportunity in this natural world, NOW is the time to repent, because in the spirit realm, there is NO remission for sins.

4.  The Almighty Is Well-balanced.  Satan Is All Over The Place.

     This is referring to emotions.  Any consistent over-the-top emotion is an imbalance.  If someone is overly happy-go-lucky, smiley, excited all the time, he/she may think this is the spirit of The Most High.  But in fact, this is an evil spirit that has caused them to be out of touch with reality.  Please take notice of the three key words that are underlined and in bold.  There are plenty of people who are mostly happy-go-lucky, smiley, and excited, but not at all day, every day.

    We know this is not the spirit of The Most High because, He is not always happy.  And, He is not always angry either.  Ahayah Ashar Ahayah [I Am That I Am] is well-balanced in every aspect.  A person who is overly and consistently happy is really hurting deep down inside, and he/she may be trying to cover up the pain.

    On the other hand, if you encounter one who is always angry, whether they have a reason to be angry or no [especially if they are angry for petty reasons], this is a dark spirit that has the person bound.  This is a sign that the person has harbored unforgiveness for a very long time, and this unforgiveness has opened doors for demons to make themselves at home.
    This is also the case if a person is consistently sad and always feeling like they are a victim.  An evil spirit has entered through an unresolved hurt/pain/trauma that this person may have experienced at one point in their life.  It could have been a childhood trauma or an adulthood trauma.  Some where along their life, though, they encountered a situation that they did not fully overcome on an emotional, spiritual, or even physical level.

    Regardless of what type of imbalance it may be, people who exhibit these behaviors need prayer and patience.  They need to know that there are still people in this world who are not trying to harm them, but who want to see them happy and successful.

I hope you have learned some ways in which to distinguish the nature of The Most High versus The Most Low.  Stay tuned for Part 2.

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