Butterfly Novel

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Adam Eve & The Serpent

A Threesome In The Garden of Eden?

I have many people question me about the validity of some teachings they encountered, saying that Adam, Eve, and the Serpent engaged in a threesome in The Garden of Eden.  Some of the lessons commonly taught are:

1.  Satan is the tree of the knowledge and of good and evil.
2.  Genesis 3:6 was a sexual act between Adam, Eve, and the Serpent because it reads; "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and desired to make one wise... "
3.  Since God said that He will put enmity between the Serpent's seed and Eve's seed, this means that Eve conceived after partaking of the fruit (sex with the Serpent).
4.  Cain and Abel were twins, but Cain was the Serpent's seed, and Abel was Adam's seed.

Now, let us discuss this teaching using Biblical references.  Two important keys to remember when reading God's Word:  
1.  Ask for spiritual Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding.  
2.  Ask The Heavenly Father for Godly discernment.

The Garden of Eden consisted of many trees that Ahayah [Hebrew for "I AM THAT I AM"] placed in it for Adam 's and Eve's consumption.  Although the Word of the MOST HIGH has many metaphors and parables, it also speaks direct language.  The trees were not a metaphor or a parable in this case.  They were real trees.  There may have been olive trees, date trees, fig trees, pomegranate trees, and many more.

Here are 4 reasons why the notion that a threesome took place in the Garden of Eden is false:

1.  Satan cannot be the Tree of Knowledge & of Good and Evil because Genesis 3:24 states that God drove man out of the garden and placed a flaming sword around the tree to block access.  However, Satan did, in fact, plant that tree; not the MOST HIGH.

If Satan was the tree, this would mean that AHAYAH allowed Satan to remain in the Garden of Eden, right?  And, if that was the case, then, after Satan, "the tree," blatantly disrespected The Most High, why would The Almighty keep him in the garden, AND protect him with a flaming sword to restrict access to him as if he is something special?  

Why would the great I Am That I Am kick man out, but leave the Serpent in?  Was not the garden sacred?  This makes no sense.

2.  Genesis 3:6 was clearly not a sexual act.  Eve saw that the tree was good for FOOD, not sex.  The 1901 American Standard Translation Bible clearly states this:  "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food... she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat." 

Now, let us place the gear in reverse.  Genesis 2:9 - "And OUT OF THE GROUND made the Lord God to grow EVERY TREE that is PLEASANT TO THE SIGHT, AND GOOD FOR FOOD: The tree of Life also in the midst of the garden, and The Tree of Knowledge & of Good and Evil." 

The trees grew from the ground; the soil.  The fruit on the tree of knowledge clearly appealed to Eve's appetite.

3.  Genesis 3:15, the verse concerning The MOST HIGH putting enmity between Satan's seed and Eve's seed just simply means that Satan will be at war with humans from that moment on (when the fall of man occurred). 

It also references The Messiah's crucifixion when it says, "... it shall crush your head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."  On the cross [stake], Christ was wounded and bruised for our transgressions and iniquities.  This bruising, or crucifixion, caused the destruction (crushing) of Satan's kingdom.

4.  Cain is not Satan's seed, and he and Abel were not born at the same time.  Cain is Abel's older brother.  He is the result of Adam knowing his wife, Eve, after they had been booted from the garden. 

Genesis 4:1 states, "And Adam KNEW Eve his wife, and she conceived and bare Cain.  And Eve said, I have gotten a man from the Lord."  In the 1995 New American Standard Bible, the term "knew" is translated to: "had relations".  

If the Word [Holy Scripture] makes it plain that there was a sexual act between Adam and Eve in Genesis 4:1, it would have also been clear in Genesis 3:6 if it had happened in the garden as well.

Final Thoughts:  If Adam, Eve, and the serpent had committed such an abominable act in the Garden, the Garden would have been considered 'defiled' in the eyes of The Most High.  Our Heavenly Father would not preserve a defiled garden and place flaming swords and an angel before it to protect it.  Ahayah would have, instead, completely destroyed the garden just as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah.

The teaching of a threesome is deception.  It is a doctrine of devils.  Some people who teach this doctrine may be purposely misleading God's children into a ditch.  However, there may be others who sincerely believe this, and are teaching it from a pure motive.  So, instead of beating down on them, let us just share this correction in love, and pray that they will receive it.

Now that you have learned the truth, take heed to repent and renounce this heresy.  Our Heavenly Father is quick to forgive and restore.  He understands that we are human, and we make mistakes.  Just go to Him privately, with a sincere heart, and Ahayah will receive your apology.

Here are a few pertinent scriptures to keep close to your heart during these end times, and this "New Age" era that we are living in today.  These are taken from KJV 1611 Bible.

1.  Matthew 25:4.  On the Mount of Olives, the disciples asked Yashaya [whom we ignorantly call, Jesus] the Anointed One what shall be the sign of His coming, and of the end of the world.  The Savior answered, "Take heed that no man deceive you."

2.  I Timothy 4:1-2.  "Now, the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron... "

3.  II Timothy 2:15.  "Study to show thyself approved unto the MOST HIGH, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth."

Disclaimer:  The image in this blog has been taken off the Internet with the assumption that it is free to use.  It is intended for the sole purpose of education.  No copyright infringement intended.

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