Butterfly Novel

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Father Son & Holy Spirit

Are They One?
Here is a very popular, and rather controversial question, that is posed by so many people.  The answser to this question can sometimes be very confusing to explain if  it is not done with simplicity and in Layman's terms.  Come on aboard this quick journey with me as I do my best to not only show that the answer to this question is, yes and no, but also show how it is possible.  I believe this will help clear up a lot of confusion that some may have.

Let us evaluate four scriptures in the Bible.  These scriptures provide a straightforward answer with simplicity and clarity.
  1. John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
  2. John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us...
  3. I John 5:7 - For there are three that bear record in Heaven; The Father, The Word, and The Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
  4. Galatians 4:6 - ... God has sent forth the spirit of His son into your hearts ...

 Key Points:

  • The Father = Ahayah [I AM THAT I AM]. The Creator. The Most High
  • The Word = Yashaya the Anointed One
  • The Holy Spirit = Wisdom.  The Breath of The Most High

Now that we have answered this question spiritually and biblically, let us explain it in a natural sense to get a better understanding of how it is possible for three persons to be one.

Below you see Terry and his family.


    Terry is with his wife, his daughter, and his son.  Terry and his wife are considered one, yet, they are still two separate people.  Terry, his wife, and their children all worship and serve the Most High Creator.  Therefore, they are in agreement.  When you are in agreement with someone, it actually means you are one with their thoughts/words.  This is what the Holy Scriptures mean when it states that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one.  They are one in spirit and one in agreement; yet, they are definitely 3 separate entities.

    We are considered at one with Ahayah, Yashaya, wa Ra Wach Qadash [The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] after we have been born again and submerged in Holy Water, simply because we are spiritually in agreement with them.  Also, the body of Christ is considered to be "one" since we are in agreement with the Father, Word, and Holy Spirit as well.  Yet, again, each member of the body is still his and her own person.

    We agree that there is only one God [Ahayah], there is only one path to the Father [Yashaya = my Savior], and that there is only one Holy Spirit [Ra Wach Qadash] who is the breath of the Most High.  And for those who may not know, the Holy Spirit is a "She", not a "He".  You may read about Her in the book of Proverbs, as well as the Apochrypha.  She is Wisdom.

     I hope this helps you to fully understand the Ahlahayam and the fact that, they made man after the image of Ahayah, His Son, and the Holy Spirit [family].  In Genesis 1:26, the Most High said, "Let us make man after our image, after our own likeness."  The reason He said, "Us", is because He was speaking to His Son and our spiritual Mother [the Holy Spirit].  That is why family is important to the Most High.

That's it!  That's the simple explanation.  How amazing, right?

Disclaimer: The images in this post have been taken from the Internet with the sole intentions that they are free to use.  They are used for the sole purpose of education.  No copyright infringement intended.

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