Do you know the difference between a toxic person and a non-toxic person?
What Is A Toxic Person?
A toxic person is someone in your circle of friends, family, coworkers, social media, etc..., who consistently have a negative attitude towards you, say negative things about you, and think negatively of you as well.
What Is A Non-Toxic Person?
non-toxic person is someone in your circle of friends, family,
coworkers, social media, etc..., who exhibits well-balanced behavior
towards you.
Traits Of A Toxic Person:
- Vindictive
- Petty
- Bitter
- Abusive
- Bully
- Irresponsible
- Highly Critical
- Backbiter
- Jealous
- Double-Minded
If you know someone who has consistently exhibited these types of behaviors toward you, it is in your best interest to RUN! And DON'T LOOK BACK!
Traits Of A Non-Toxic Person:
- Meek
- Peaceful
- Self-Control
- Speaks Truth In Love
- Happy For You
- Responsible
- Integrity
- Gives Constructive Feedback
- Stable-Minded
- Forgiving
If you know someone who consistently exhibits these traits more than they exhibit toxic traits, then, you my friend, have a precious jewel that you need to cherish.
Not everyone is always meek or even quick to forgive. We are all human, and we make mistakes every so often. When your child is misbehaving, and you have to say, "stop", more than three times, well, you just may end up putting some bass in your voice and raising the volume to yield a more favorable outcome.
This is a normal reaction for parents, and after correction, you go back to your normal smiley, lovey-dovey ways toward your child. You don't just hate your child for the rest of their life and physically or verbally abuse the child. Unless, of course, you are a child abuser. Then, that is a different story.
The key to knowing the difference between a toxic and a non-toxic person is consistency. What are the people in your circle doing to you on a consistent basis? How are they treating you on a consistent basis?
Do they constantly become offended with you over something petty? If they become offended, how long do they stay offended? Do they instantly try to exact revenge on you? Are they double-minded? The Holy Scriptures tell us that, "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways."
Now that you know what key characteristics to pay attention to in spotting a toxic individual, pray about the situation and for the individual(s), not against them.
The Lord of Spirits hears your prayers in Heaven, and He will take care of the situation as He sees fit. Just keep in mind that, "All things work together for good to them that love Ahayah, and to those who are called according to His purpose."
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