Butterfly Novel

Friday, April 2, 2021

Fasting & Praying Part 1: Why?

 Why Fast & Pray?

What Is Fasting?

Fasting is an act of voluntarily depriving oneself of daily indulgences in order to achieve a goal or some goals.  It is a successful tool for positive self-discipline.

In other words, when you fast, you refrain from eating, drinking, exercising, or from whatever your normal daily routine is, so that you may spend quality alone time with The Most High and allow his Word to be your food, drink, and anything else you need during the time that you are Fasting.  

Fasting is Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.

What Is Prayer?

Prayer is an act of communicating to The Most High on a personal level via mental or verbal channels.

In other words, you are making your requests known to the Heavenly Father, either quietly in your mind, or out loud.  You are basically speaking to God about your concerns, and giving Him praise as well.

What Happens When We Fast, Pray, and Praise?

When we fast, pray, and praise God, giving Him all the honor and glory for the things He is already doing in our lives, guess what, He wiil open up the windows of Heaven and pour out even more blessings upon us. 

Fasting and Praying are the keys to unlock doors for deliverance, promotion, establishing a closer relationship with The Most High, healing, self-discipline, and also guidance on our path in life.

Click The Podcast Link To Listen In Further Detail:  https://www.spreaker.com/user/11262911/butterflynovel-fast-pray-part1


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